This special “4-Day Intensive” is modeled after our popular 4-Week class, but will be held over 4 straight days during the winter break.
Whether you're looking to up your callback & booking from tape ratio or still figuring out the technical standpoint (or both) this class is for you! Everyone is saying self-tapes are the "new normal", luckily for our veteran acting coaches this isn't a "new" concept. Our coaches have spent years perfecting the ideal self-tape and will be sharing their proven tips & tricks with you. We will help you learn to "Book the Room" even if during these times it’s a virtual casting office.
The focus of this class is on Audition Technique. Actors will learn useful skills and techniques for comedy, drama, co-star & commercial auditions. Students will be given critique and redirects (on performance/preparation/scene breakdown choices) on prepared scenes performed during class for the first three days. The fourth and final day will show how well students retain & apply what they’ve learned with a mock self-tape audition. After reviewing all of the self-tapes during class coaches will tell the class who would have booked the part and why. This process shows when different techniques they’ve learned are applied that it can truly enhance their work and help them stand out in an audition. Overall this method teaches actors to "up their game", rise to the occasion & get used to the pressure of auditioning (in a safe class setting)!
- SPACE IS LIMITED to only 8 students -
Ages: 18+
4-Day Intensive
12/27 - 12/30
1:00-2:00pm PST
Teacher: Amber Bohac
Special Holiday Price
Please check the class dates & times before signing up.
No refunds or make-up sessions for missed classes allowed for this intensive.