“I-Day Improv Intensive”

ONLY $29

Have you ever been caught off guard in an audition? Maybe casting just didn’t say cut, or they gave you a scenario and just said “Action!”? This fun filled intensive will prepare actors on how best to handle those sometimes awkward but fun moments of improv during auditions/callbacks with grace and make sure your personality and strong choices shine through.

Actors will learn improv rules,  timing importance, how to be unafraid and adventurous about taking risks, and much more all through engaging improv games! This improv class will help increase young actor's observation, listening & concentration skills while letting their imaginations run wild. Improv is an excellent place to help the “class clown” focus, and the “shy book nerd” improve their verbal expression and boost self-confidence. In this supportive environment students will work together to find and develop their own voice, ultimately creating fearless performers.

The methods taught in this class are beneficial for ALL levels, from beginner to seasoned pro.  It’s a great starting ground for new actors to learn the nuts and bolts of improv and excellent and fun refresh for experienced actors! 


Ages: 8-12

Sunday Dec 11TH

3:00-4:00 PST

Teacher: Ben Hoyt

Class size: 6 students

Special Holiday Price


Ages: 8-12 

Sunday Dec 11TH

4:00-5:00 PST

Teacher: Ben Hoyt

Class size: 10 students

Special Holiday Price


Ages: 13-18TPY*

Sunday Dec 4th

12:00-1:00pm PST

Teacher: Ben Hoyt

Class size: 10 students

Special Holiday Price


NOTE: *TPY = “to play younger” (if you are over 18 but audition for younger roles)

Please check the class date & times before signing up.

NO refunds or make-up sessions allowed for this intensive. Coupon codes not eligible for 1-day Intensives.